3 Low Cost Ways to Reduce “Organ Rejection” for New Leaders

Over the past several years, I’ve been privileged to discover the evidence-based onboarding practices that turn companies onboarding programs into strategic advantages. I’ll be posting specific practices, tips, and ideas designed to help you apply these strategic value creators in your companies such as today’s topic…

Here are three low (no) cost/high return things you and your team can do to reduce the possibility of “organ rejection” of your new leaders with your existing employees…

  1. Communicate the role, boundaries and decision rights of the new leader before they begin, with their new team and key stakeholders. Clarity reduces assumptions and resentment once the leader begins taking action.
  2. Invite the new leader to a key meeting and/or a team/company function before their official day 1 at the office.
  3. Ensure the new leader’s manager is available (It’s amazing how often new employees show up on day one with nobody to meet them!) on day 1 and ready to engage in critical “stage setting” conversations.

Thanks for your time and be your best self today!  Tad